

有些评论直接看就可以,有些要听到歌才能感受到,有些则要看MV才能体会。 听歌不看评论已经没有乐趣了呢!哈哈~   Regina Spektor – Don’t Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)  满天带云天空: 玩植物大战僵尸配上这首歌。绝对让你的头跟着豌豆,太阳一起点头   Rixton – Me and My Broken Heart 传说的台风: 作为一个英语考二分的人这歌名是我唯一能写出的一句英文    蔡依林 – 布拉格广场 七夜迦罗: 有些歌估计蔡依林都不敢听。。。   蔡琴 – 被遗忘的时光 liushaoyu111: “高音 ...

Amy Pearson – Ghost 歌词 Amy Pearson – Ghost [quote] Dun'cha..dun'cha.. Don't wanna think about you now, Don't wanna go back in time, Don't wanna remember what exactly happen in my life, But I don't have a choice, It intempted in my mind, it like u haunted me,baby.. And I guess get the memories, When I woke up and look up u next to me, Even I fall asleep and I could only see u in the dream, And every morning when the sun comes ...